PQCrypto 2019

The Tenth International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography

Chongqing University, Chongqing, May 8-10, 2019

Co-related Events--The 4th AsiaPQC Forum(2019)

Time: 7th, May. 9:00-12:30

Location: The same Hotel as the 10th PQC Conferrence

Invited Speakers & Titles:

1. Jintai Ding: Key techniques in Quantum-proof blockchain

2. Vlad Gheorghiu: Overview of Quantum proofing the Blockchain

3. Seungi Kim: Why 1.02? The root Hermite factor of LLL and stochastic sandpile models

4. Katsuyuki Takashima: Recent Topics on Post-Quantum Cryptography in Japan

5. Kwangjo Kim: Towards PQC in Korea